Video 52
Bhagavatam - 3.9.12 -3.10.1 ( Book 3, Chapter 9 verse 12)
questions to you again and again on peace peace peace so we are in the bhagavat reading book with book number three where they're in chapter number nine and we start from verse number 12. it was Brahma the Creator God has commissioned to create and then he was praising the Lord narayana from whom he came so he was he didn't understand first what is the where the root of his being so he looked all around and found only No Beginning No End all ocean of La Waters around and could not find the beginning and end of this creation of this whole situation and he tried to dive through their Lotus the name they'll steam of the lotus and dive deep into the depth but could not find an end or or beginning of it so then he started praising the Lord narayana the last verse we did they just said the riches who Brahma is praising the Creator God the Lord of Lord narayana that Lord even this is learned in philosophies and Sciences are bound to go round and round in the cycle of births and deaths if they are indisposed to complete contemplate on your glories and your Deeds portraying all the through the day they tired themselves only at night the agitation of the Mind caused by innumerable desires disturb their sleep and failure of their worldly plans and ambitions due to the stroke of Destiny engulfs them in disappointment so even the receipts who are struggling to find out the cause of our very creation where we come they cannot fathom it because their mind is Disturbed in this way 11th verse what we're dating last time says oh Lord discernible through the descriptions of your glory in the devotional scriptures you abide in the hearts Lotus of the devotees purified by loving devotion for you that means you reside in the heart of all the Lotus of the heart which is purified by The Loving devotion who you whose glory is being sung everywhere you do manifest for the blessing of your devotees in whatever form they contemplate on you and you are the one God who appeared before the devotees and the devotees as the devotees want to worship you you appear before each one according to their desire that's why people worship God in so many ways so according to the need of the devotee God Appears before them to satisfy their needs so many Divine forms of divine mothers so many forms of aspect of the Shiva Ganesha these that so it is only to satisfy the need of the ramakrishna has also said that they prepare mother prepare fish and the same fish but according to the need they prepare some fried fish some soup pretty soup some pillow according to the ability so mother feeds them so similarly God Appears before the disciples devotees according to their yearning according to the way they want to see God to have approach that word so today we read from the verse 12 12 verses you who are the friend of all being and the indweller in everything do never feel so highly pleased with complicated ritualistic worship be it performed even by the Gods with a plethora of offerings if the performance mind is loaded with selfish desires as you are pleased with universal benevolence which and regenerate and Unholy men without any Devotion to you can never obtain so Brahma says that you are the friend of all beings though and you decide in the heart of all indwelling in every hand do never feel highly pleased with those people who only perform rituals and paraphernally as ceremonies but no devotion main thing God loves devotion not the outward rituals and worships even even the gods May perform plethora of offerings performance mind may be loaded with the selfish desire they don't have love for God but praying to God for material prosperity for immediate gain in this material life this type of people though they perform so much but God is not pleased with them God is pleased with them who have simple heart and unselfish and love for love sake they worship God 13. works of every kind whether they be elaborate Vedic sacrifices charitable gifts modifications or observance of the spiritual discipline all become meaningful and worthwhile if they are offered as the worship unto you people do so many things all become meaningless if it is not offered to God if it is not for the purification of the heart say they may do Vedic sacrifices home of fire the charitable gifts multiplication austerities fasting going to Himalayas their bodied smearing asses in the body can do all types of multiplication and painful observances of spiritual disciplines uh people do I will do whole night meditation these that all is good but they are no meaning it is meaningless and worthwhile if they are not offered as you worship of God for only offerings made unto God you never perish that means the question is that with selfish motivation people do same thing going to heaven do control over others the power Tantra Mantra all are there they also do so much austerity but with the selfish motivation what I shall be I shall be powerful I shall go into the heaven I will be the ruler of this all these things which material gain people can do by spiritual practice also but that is mundane that is temporary God is not pleased with that that can give you material benefit but not the spiritual benefit of peace and joy sit for Japan meditation that to calm down mind with that mind I will do some different words or something like that not to spiritual benefit but just to have that peaceful mind itself still it will not it is a secular goal it's not the spiritual move so it will be bad the goal is that I want to devote it for my studies foreign best thing is to give everything to God and expect nothing or accepting God's love we are talking about that what is for a person who is restless yes he can sing some song that mind may be peaceful that does not mean that that is spiritual spirituality will be there when his personal cravings and desires for worldly things will be zero it is for the pleasure of God say we are doing work people do so many hard work the work is work only exhaustion comes anger comes frustration comes but if it is done for God people can do so much after doing so much they feel so much joy so this is the point it is it is if it is unselfish work that is Love by God meaning that makes one spiritual otherwise it is another type of worldliness so you made unto you in the Luminosity of whose Essence there is no place for the infatuation of separateness you whose intelligence consist in the total and undivided awareness you who are the highest of all beings you who spoke consists in creation preservation and destruction of the universe to you the Lord of all I my salutation so Brahma is offering his salutation that you are the only luminous object in the world and you are the intelligence consisting in the total undivided awareness that means awareness of God in every moment of life I salute you you who are the highest at all beings you who sport consistent creation so it is all this I salute You O Lord who is the cause of creation maintenance and distraction so my salutation goes to you that means it is just praise and salutation to the Lord of Lord by chanting whose holy names and remembering whose attributes and activities in his various incarnations even if this is done in a state of distress and depression dying men purified of all their longing acquired scenes that were acquired purified of all their long acquired scenes at once attained to truth unveiled in that birthless being I take refuge so what it says in the 15th verse by chanting whose holy names and remembering whose attributes and the activities in his various incarnations even if this is done in a state of distress and depression that means thinking of God in whatever way when people are in depression or in distress and they can listen to the glory of God and their Divine sport see krsna's life say Christ's life say Buddha's life if they think of their glories and their actions and activities even a dying person who is in the dead bed his mind will be purified and he can attain to treat that is so to take refuge in God is the point how to take it in any point in any moment it is beneficial even at the point of death they have done so many sinful activities but when they think that's why that time they think about God and somebody talks about the glories of God and his mind moves in that realm so he becomes free from bondage so this type of Refuge is expected thou who interpenetrating prakiti you the Lord who have this prakit is the nature you created this nature and you have entered into it as consciousness so thou O Lord you interpret penetrating into prakriti your own Shakti that's best in thee so you have penetrated by your own power inside the universe of creation and did manifest as three main stems Brahma Vishnu and Shiva so you have created in this way you have penetrated into the Lord who creates this universe it is you your will as creator as Vishnu the Lord who maintains and sustains this universe and who destroys the Lord Shiva so Brahma Vishnu Maestra these three aspects have been your power as long as men are intent on unethical actions and a negligent in respect of your great teachings that all works should be done as offering unto you so long will you as time cut off their powerful and longing to live on by influencing death on them without warning to you the winkless spirit of time my salutation he is saying as long as people are engaged in unethical actions in the world people who are wrong doings in their life negligent of offering adoration to God and did listening to the great teachings of the Lord they will what they will do time will kill them that means they will be they will they are born they will live this life and die and cut up from the powerful Longing To Live on that means they cannot leave they live a miserable life and they have they face their death again and again and again even I am the Brahma Brahma the Creator God I do established in the highest plane Hindus have these seven planes Higher and Higher and Christians have Heaven only one heaven but Hindus have seven heavens foreign which excels all of the realms and has the duration extending for a vast period of time that means if you are born then you are Eternal almost how even in the five our what you call the forefathers plain the Hindus believed that there you die your true fathers are there in another higher plane so we know calculation of our date and their days our 365 days will be there one day and they will feel one day and do it our whole year will go away like that if you go to higher and higher print there one day will be so many years so many lifetimes of hours so this is the way he says that the I even Brahma though I am established in the highest plane whose time period of existence is so big marked by two Opera is it measurement of time I am still afraid of you as time you are God you are the Lord you are as time controlling the whole universe as time not clicking of the time is controls everyone is becoming old someone is becoming dying is it in the death bed click click click click but it goes away in time so everything is happening in time so Lord you remain in the world as a time Big Time not this multi great time I'm still I'm afraid of you Brahma says has time therefore engage myself in prolonged tapas so then I I as Brahma I used to engage myself in austerities and practice to attain your Fearless state to that being the best tour of the fruits of all jagannas my salutation so I salute You O Lord You Are The Giver of all Boons and I salute you salutation to you the Supreme and Transcendent being who though divide of all desires do yet sport manifesting yourself as Incarnation so you have no purpose but you still incarnate as a human personality God incarnates as Vishnu as Buddha Rama Krishna so I are you appear you have no meaning no purpose like a child so without purpose but you incarnate yourself in various species not only in human as God man Brute root creation out of your own free will so it is you you have created the whole universe good bad it is your creation God angels you have created man man in animals everything has been your creation I salute you oh you dance and being O Lord of infinite Mercy may you with eyes like lotus in the Blossom and the smile brimming with mercy and love arise from your serpent bed for the good of the world and dispel our Ignorance by thy sweet words of supreme wisdom so Brahma is requesting O Lord Maha Vishnu we were sleeping for a long time wake up but the good of the world but the benefit of all come out now listening all these beautiful praise from the Brahma the Lord narayana he or mahabhishnu it is called Maha Vishnu he woke up now talking to my trail is responding saying so having realized him as the source by the power of tapas worship and samadhi Brahma understood this how he engaged himself Brahma himself engaged in the austerity meditation worship and practice of samadhi and having sung his praise to the limit of his capacity Brahma now stopped as if saddened by the thought of his own incapacity to recount the Lord's excellences though Brahma himself is praising the Lord but he cannot express what God is and she becomes sad God Is So merciful so gracious I wanted to describe him I wanted to talk about his glory but I cannot mention that no I cannot express that that's why the what is that verse when there is a pushpadanta he writeshwaran to writes that oh Lord Shiva how can we describe your glory you are so great it is talking about Shiva but Shiva comes from Maha Vishnu then who will describe Maha Vishnu so these are all Expressions they said what if the mother Saraswati who is the source of knowledge and wisdom who gives us wisdom if she writes to starts writing the glory of God and takes the pain herself and goes on writing not on these papers but on the his paper is the whole Earth imagine the whole earth and that is the paper and she writes on the glory of Shiva foreign then your mahima Your Glory I cannot describe oh Lord I cannot cross I cannot complete Writing Your Glory so similarly the same thing the Lord who found Brahma lacking in confidence he got really described to his utmost to describe the glory of the Lord Vishnu but could not do that he felt this when it despondent and then the Lord narayana was pleased and he started saying proud Brahma lacking confidence to undertake the work of creation and thoroughly confounded by the condition of utter chaos prevailing said to him in a deep and sonorous voice so Lord narayana then started saying in a very sweet way to Brahma words that were calculated to remove his depression depressed state of mind that means to boost Brahma Romans to create he appointed Brahma that he would do the creation part but he seeing the glory of God he said I am insignificant how can I describe anything so to give him inspiration then the Maha Vishnu the Lord said what lord said oh embodiment of Veda o Brahma you are the embodiment of Peters do not get depressed and despondent begin the work of creation because he wants that this world is vacated begin the work of creation what you are now seeking of me has already been granted to your you earlier practice concentration and communion with me again and we will then find the world within in their ideal form with all obstructions removed it is all chaos everywhere what the creation to control everything you know everywhere to hold on to one regular systematic way is difficult so at the very creation everyone is going in his own Direction probably so he was frustrated and he thought I it is not my power I cannot create anymore but Maha Vishnu the Lord narayana become pleased and said don't worry that you are the embodiment of Vedas don't get depressed or despondent start your work of creation only you are now seeking up me has already been granted you are seeking power you are seeking the strength so I have already empowered you practice concentration and communion with me again huh you that is the question in our life spiritual life also when you try to do work by your own strength then there is failure but when you connect yourself with God and you think that you are doing serving God God's work then that becomes successful you see mostly we do work through our ego but when our ego is surrendered to God and through that ego you work then God's glory vanishes to your work so that is said Brahma says narayana said practice concentration that means practice meditation and commune with me again try to connect with me and get tuned with me and you will then find the world within in their ideal form you'll feel that everything is correct in this world there is no discontent disarmony our obstructions will be removed if Brahma gets so much trouble to create no and Brahma is being advised that you think of me then your work will be perfect so it is a great lesson for all of us whatever we do unless we think that it is God's work and surrender and connect with them as here has been said all work will be failure and also one becomes a load there is a song Oh Lord whatever Lord you have put upon my head everything has become easy when it is your work when I put my ego and I am trying to carry the load so it is a failure sakuri it has become a load upon me so in our life this is very important lesson when your mind has thus got concentrated and filled with devotion you will then see me me Capital as all as as in as our interpenetrating the universe and yourself and you will also see all the worlds and all the jivas resting in me when you can concentrate upon me when you become prayerful and connect with me what will happen you will then see it is also for us that God is interpretating into this whole universe it is all God everywhere so it is God serving God so that idea will come and yourself you will see that you are also interpreted by my presence meaning God's presence and you will also see all the world and all the jivas resting in me there's nothing but God if you do that concentrate and focus on me then you'll find that is I am the only reality your you you is also gone the object you see it is gone the whole universe and the activity all is God's play going on so you are nobody you do don't need to do anything is God's will working only you are to experience this when experience see me as capital as residing in all beings as the one fire in all pieces of wood then only they overcome delusion so this world of delusion which we are in and which is creating all our mental tension anxieties worries Etc this will all can be overcome by what by thinking of the presence of God everywhere like the fire in all pieces of food so if similarly the fire and the Consciousness is everywhere permitted in you in here and in the whole universe is run by that consciousness and what is the force behind every movement that is The Prana Prana Prana there is The Prana a sense of The Prana is Brahman is Atman so that is the foundation for whole creation so it is all play of divine going on you will understand that 184 page 184 when the Atman 33 verse when the Atman read of his association with the material elements senses and the mind and the gooners of pragati realized his pristine nature has inherently related to me then he attends to the original state so when the Atman capital which is free from Association of the material elements that means which when can disassociate with them Body Mind senses and all the its qualities of the Guna and then you can discard them then the pure prakiti free from all draws will be realized as pristine nature that means when you can disidentify with the senses I is vedanta I am not the body not the mind not the senses when you can do that then you will see that you are established in your pristine Purity in your pristine state of perfection you will never be affected by any kind of impurity or infatuation while you are engaged in the creation of countless creatures according to the Tendencies deposited in them by their work everyone is born according to their tendency he will see a machine will be set creation will go on and you will enjoy seeing the glory of the Lord you need not have to do anything that's why you are sending us how what shall I say what shall I do in the in a land I do not know anybody there then he said no you need not have to think Lord will walk through you oh if you only can surrender here is the same thing you will never be affected by any kind of impurity or Infatuation by any kind of impurity in the creation of countless creatures according to the tendency is deposited in because he will be they will be working by their own nature nature and it is by the cosmic Consciousness at the background this creation movement will move on evenly be a part of it in the bhagavad-gita our city said SRI Krishna suggested that you only be nimited just an instrument I have killed all these Warriors and all these evil people I have already killed them you only just stay on doing your duty see and my work is done you will get the glory Arjuna has killed this big Warrior but you are of the Bad Evil tendency you know so Glory you will get the glory of it only if you can humble and put your ego under the gods ego whoever daily worship me deciding this High him of all desirable things shall soon become propitious to him all who are big voters of the Supreme truth know that whatever man achieved through charitable work austerities gift yoga or samadhi all that is achieved only through my grace so narayana says all the glories of life can be achieved by my grace people not do austerity people can do jagannas Vedic jaganas and charitable activity giving gift and other things lost Charities Etc and practicing samadhi all can be achieved only through my grace that means she's a bhakti book mainly so it's saying you surrender to God and pray to God and by my grace you will get everything yeah you need not have to do so much austerity so much sadhana other than this oh Brahma I am the soul of The Souls of all as such I should be the dearest of the dear for all therefore one should feel Delight in me in place of wasting it on the body and things connected with it so it is the advice that to see you Brahma how to live the life instead of living the thought in your thought mundane things one should feed Delight in me that means think of me relax in me talk about me listen about me in this way your mind will be always in joy and will be free from all distress you are the embodiment of The Vedas and you are born of me he is talking to Brahma oh Brahma you are created by me yeah you are you have the whole knowledge of The Vedas Vedas will come out of your mouth so you are the prime creation but it is you came born out of me so you are one with me you are my power without the aid of anything extraneous you proceed as in previous Cycles to create all being that have been come latent in me so you now recreate the whole universe again Hindu idea of creation is that it is not one time creation it is a cyclic cyclic creation like like every day we go to sleep today's all experience when you go to sleep we forget all everything and then when you wake up again you start where you ended so similarly creation is involution and evolution involution and evolution it continually goes on that's the Hindu idea of Liberty and the creation Theory it is not one time creation and not that one day it will die one day it's created in this way create amen when you wake up the creation starts now and whole day you are having work is going on when you go to sleep this whole universe disappears from you that is the destruction of the universe and anyway again you wake up again this universe you see but if you really love God then by God's grace you are not to come back and put you remain in absolute consciousness of the Lord now my true sitting in the Lord that means the narayana who is the master of pradhana and purusha that means the material nature and the spirit nature having clarified the way of creation to Brahma disappeared from his vision so this is the way how the creation has come been described by Brahma tried to understand but ultimately narayana the Lord described everything so we end here the 10th ninth chapter and we will start reading the 10th chapter questions this let me see it a little bit there we can think uh what did Brahma the progenitor of the worlds do after the Lord disappeared from his Bishop how many types of beings did he bring forth from his body and mind now narayana the Lord asked Brahma that you start creation Brahma was puzzled because all these oriented things he could not create anything stable then we did just now narayana came back and said it's my power focus on me and then start creating everything will be all right then Brahma felt that narayana has entered into him into the creation and into everywhere so it is all run by not Nora and he's not nothing to do much he then came into peace now this disappearance of narayana then he said what happened then the Brahma what did Brahma do after the Lord disappeared from his Bishop how many times a being did he bring forth this world is so many varieties so how many varieties of material objects life forces he God created and Brahma the Lord created indicated from his body and mind for removing my doubts answer all my questions one after another now suta said the maitrey or the sage by Trio was highly pleased on being the question by vidural he began to answer all these questions of which she had already cleared understanding in his mind might throw them started saying as instructed by Maha Vishnu the self-existent one endowed with all divine majesties Brahma concentrated Brahma concentrated his mind Brahma concentrated his mind on the Supreme Being himself for a hundred Divine years now putting this question say Maha Vishnu the Lord Vishnu the self-existent one without all Divine majesties then Brahma Brahman didn't tried to meditate and concentrate his mind on the Supreme Being himself and this meditation for not one day two days but he said for a hundred Divine years that's a very long time and the Divine years we call human here our year is called human year 365 days no and divine here will be how many times multiply multiply multiply no this is a longer time Brahma the Lotus born found that his seat the Lotus and the waters on which it appeared were being violently agitated by the wind that characterized the time of Chaos he suddenly felt there is a huge Brahma felt that there is a huge chaos the ocean is turbulent now he therefore consumed that wind and water the Brahma then took control over the wind and water being endowed with a great spiritual strength area where he got the spiritual strength due to his concentration and loving communion with the Divine as Brahma concentrated and for a long time meditated on the Divine self from there he got the power and the violent swelling of the ocean and the wind blowing storm he consumed them by the spiritual power of Brahma Brahma now saw his Lotus sit as feeling the whole sky and recognized that he could create out of the lotus itself all the worlds so he thought brahmana saw on the Lotus on which he was sitting that he can create the whole universe out of that Lotus as they are lying in related latency in it then Brahma verse number eight and eighty six Brahma who had been commanded to work for the Lord now penetrated into the Lotus bird divided it first into three though it was kept capable of being divided into 14 and more so he said that he when Brahma who was commended to work for the Lord narayana now penetrated into the Lotus blood and divided it fast into three segments though it was capable of being divided into 14 and more anyhow it was divided into three because this constitute this spheres into which jivas transmigrate from for the enjoyment of the fruits of their action so while the steel more exalted regions like satta loka the sphere of Brahma only by devotion and dedicated action by those eligible for the gradual salvation so he created the three World Earth heaven and hell three were first he created and then final creation will be there and that will be only achieved by devotion otherwise those who have no devotion for God they will move around this Earth they will born here they will go to heaven for some time and finish their fun and joy then come back to our thing and do some bad karma go to hell and again come back to Earth Earth is a middle place they come back here again to do Karma that and and then you those who have devotion for God they will be raising into higher and higher plane exalted planes regions and that's called those those are attained only by devotion dedicated to action chroma mukti do you get all these things is little complicated okay vedanta is very simple yeah it is so many low cost planes and these questions there are many questions okay so we end here but I am not expert in this puranic studies that's why all these critical questions will be difficult oh then it's okay um to end here our reading of the bhagavata um Shanti Shanti Shanti peace peace peace mission is questioned Master tells us to go into Solitude of him if one has a whole weak in solitude how should they spend their time alternating between meditation and reading and gospel all day this is if you get a Time whole day then how will you spend the day that's the question no yeah it will depend on your nature you want to think of God vedanta teaches us God can be in the form God can be in formless God can be taught as in between the three idea which mood you are you can you go to Solitude means there is your mind so you think what is your mood hanumanji says when I remain in the body identity mood I am the body so I say oh Lord please help me I am trying meditation I am trying prayer nothing happening please give me strength give me power I am failure so your strength your power pray that was me I am your dust and when my mind moves I am the individual soul and then I think you are the cosmic soul I am like a drop of water you are like the ocean I belong to you think in that thought that mood and when I in a higher mood the Atma buddhi I am that apartment then I feel no difference between you and me so according to our mood we should keep the Mind engaged when we are in solitude but as per ordinary person like us sometimes it is good to sing song chant some mantras pray sometimes read some inspirational book meditate both in the form or in the formless gives us this clear understanding whatever you are doing you are thinking of God either in the form or in the formless OR chanting or praying or whatever spiritual reading you are doing all should digest towards connecting with God second question if one constantly dwells on master and his Leela is that person in ramakrishna even while embodied I think good yeah he is if one constantly thinks actually ramakrishna also said where do we live we live where is our mind that story of ramakrishna the two friends they are friends and when they met together where are you going I am going to listen to the bhagavata this book which we are reading and another friend he said where are you going I am going to prostitute huh but anyhow the boat went to their respective places and bhagavat that man was in the bhagavat that friend listening to the bhagavata but his mind is thinking oh see I am a fool I am listening to Krishna narayana Brahma and this and that my friend has a good Farm and a good friend the other fan having fun that guy in the prostitutes quarter he is thinking what a rigid person am I my friend is listening about God and the Divine and the pure thoughts and I am keeping myself engaged in this low life and he was repenting about that and then ramakrina said after the death this person who was in The Prostitute quarter he went to heaven because he thought of God being in that position and this person being in presence of bhagavat he was in main thinking of that he went to hell so actually where our mind is we are there so not the body is not the important but it may be somewhere of course in better environment we get body is also there and holy atmosphere is that that's the best but body may be somewhere but your mind is where you are there so that's why if we can remember say ramakrishna's Divine Play you open a chapter of my gospel of ramakrishna and read that and keep your mind so you are not here in Hollywood you are induction if you think just read that page oh Dakshin is sure that this is the door and Eastern door and now sriram Krishna is coming from the mother Kali worshiping and intoxicated like that and he's entering into his room he sat in the bed and there are some devotees are waiting they sat in the floor just imagine this you are in there you are in Ravi Rama Krishna in dakshinesha real dakshinesh but mind wherever mind is kept actually we live there so that is the idea true or ramakrishna is a be they host it only yes after date also if they want to live in that's that's why we call ramakrishna loka after death also those who are habituated in this type of thinking if they wish after death they live in a plane where they will be always living in association with Vivekananda brahmananda shivananda and the devotees and singing and dancing and chanting like ramakrishnan they go into ecstasy yeah that is called ramakrishna loka so as you think so you become so that is true what is you do austerity and you get a good Merit a new day and stay in a plane it's a much higher plane of peace and joy so to look as I read today Brahma okay another another question comes why have there been no female Avatar as a dominant incarnation of God and not just the partner of concert as in see sarada Radha Sita Etc maybe in the future during less patriarchal jugas there will be female incarnations you are right but this is this year this time holy mother is a female avataro you have to understand that in true in other incarnations the mother part Shakti has been kept Advanced that's why ramakrishna also said then in other Incarnation the avatars were the major role where the shaktis were supporting them Radha right there is called the Vishnu Priya they jasudhara these are all Powers mother Shakti supporting the Incarnation but in this Incarnation it is equal role rather more after ramakrishna is passing away what holy mother did and is still doing that is the avataru's work she is doing so we cannot say that it is not but they are doing in this age in ramakrishna's time holy mother took the another form of incarnation and ramakrina said what have I done you will have to do much more and actually mother did that in the physical level how many people were redeemed from their sufferings and birth and death by looking by touch so Incarnation is really changed it is that's why it's called a new new age another question is yeah how does this to devota get established in our one's heart when you get the Mantra initiation Guru establishes the east in your heart is this the form of the Divine that melts one's heart as mother or is this the form of divine that one idolizes goddess taku ramakrishna you know whatever form of God we think our Guru chooses for us we call our history ultimately you meditate on that and the point comes by God's grace that form melts into the infinite absolute but we start as Guru suggested we think of that Divine as a particular form and that form is My Chosen idea and thinking of that mind becomes pure and when mind becomes pure mind builds into the infinite sachidananda so it is ramakrishna it is holy mother it is Mother Kali it is Christ it is Buddha yeah it is whatever may be the chosen ideal constantly thinking and meditating upon that one Minds become pure and that pure mind melts into the infinity that means they get the same knowledge of the cell another question why does it feel much easier to pray with objects like the rosary giving offerings Etc then just praying within the Mind regardless of what is going on externally why does it feel much easier to pray with objects like the Rosary if that my question will be if you feel like that with your Rosary you are more connected with God by repeating the Mantra in the Rosary take that because we where we live in The Duality so some concrete thing helps us sometimes that's why Rosary may be helpful for somebody but maybe someone may be doing it a finger in the finger counting they can find that giving offering Etc then just praying within the simple praying versus with some chanting or some reputation of the Mantra whatever my point is that whatever helps us to concentrate on God take that path now our goal is to tune ourselves with the Divine whatever is the easy way please take that why means as I said why means because we we live in the level of Duality and material object so something concrete when it is there we feel more comfortable there absolute praying to somebody closing your eyes I don't see anything I am praying yes it touches the efficacy but if you can visualize that somebody listening to you she's sitting in your heart God is sitting in your heart and you are listening and you can feel that his eyes are blinking you can imagine like that it will be more intense so that is the purpose probably okay okay we never God incarnates as human being he despite being the lord of the universe portrays as character for himself which is full of austerity self-discipline and unmasked humbleness if that is the standard set by the Lord then why ourselves being a pygmy in front of him dare to believe that we can attain spiritual success just like that without living without exemplary life you know when God incarnates that is the purpose of incarnation why God comes down he is the lord of the universe he can change me in say 78 billion people in this moment he can change the mind of everyone and everyone can be holy everyone may be kind and compassionate but why not this is as we go in the drama uh you enact some drama so someone takes a wrong money villain role someone takes a holy role so it is all utterly there is no drama is God's drama going on so as a human being when he comes what he does when he comes that becomes an opportunity because people see an extraordinary life how we can transcend our present state and get merged into God consciousness that is being taught by their life that's why they do practice austerity they practice humility they practice all type of endurance why to teach us that you want to get peace you follow my path May a theoretical knowledge will not do we need some illustration and illustration the ideal teacher if we find an ideal teacher we can learn more from them mere someone's talking versus near someone practicing in life we can get inspiration from that person who is practicing so I think that is the purpose when God comes as a human being to set an example before us so that in thousands and thousands of years people will follow that train and get liberated get peace in life better than precept look at look at that when ah Christ came two thousand years passed just his life his movement his preaching whatever he did millions of people through centuries 2000 years they have enriched their spiritual life following him and making him as the third goal of life for taking the illustration of his life enduring model of that and then went and they become now liberated they become Saints so to make a sense now God himself comes down to set an example and we have to follow their ways of thinking wake walking living suppose if you think of ramakrishna then you see that he lived in the world how to live with in the world he teaches think of God dedicate yourself to God and constantly thinking and dedicating you become free from all bondage so that is the purpose of incarnation to come to give us some model and pool they're the posters of our life you know and people as time goes on people in posterity even following that path they also can get out of the Troubles of life problems of life so we'll see you in our next class at 7 30 what is called Shanti Gita at 7 30 so we end here um